Welcome Father Fuckers (I can't say Mother Fuckers on this blog so....)

Ahh so we hit 200Views, we are getting there people!!!!!

Friday 29 April 2011

My First Post!

Well Hello there my fellow bloggers, welcome to my fearful sessions, called fearful because my stage name is Fear! im currently a vocalist (singer implies actual notes coming from my mouth) in a Deathcore Band called Decapitated Oath, if you wanna check us out look at our facebook page, it would be much appreciated by all of us.

I'm currently in Year 9... fun for some... not for me -.- but it's not totally horrible, we dont have proper exams til next year so we have one year left to screw around in lessons and not try and do anything! and then when G.C.S.E's arrive, we all panic and begin to cry.... not as if one of those people would be me...

Anyway ill be posting more oftenly soon so keep checking out for more Fearful Sessions... Later

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