Welcome Father Fuckers (I can't say Mother Fuckers on this blog so....)

Ahh so we hit 200Views, we are getting there people!!!!!

Sunday 1 May 2011

Fucking Pissed Off and talking to my closest friend JoeyMetal

Well this is quite interesting... me and my fellow blogger and pretty much the closest thing i have to a brother JoeyMetal about how some people can really be dickheads, you know you love them and you do stuff for them and then they only go and ruin it for you! I mean surely someone out their can relate to it! its Outrageous! we call these people friends and then they go and spit right in your face! We trust them and then they reject us, how is that fair? i can guarentee that people who so are your 'best friends' constantly talk about you behind your back just 'cus they can! A real friend would never do that ever! Ill admit to it, i like to talk shit about people but not my closest friends 'cus i cant find flaws in them... blatently they can find them in us! And god! girls annoy me even more.... i know since im just 14 im not meant to know what love feels like.... if you feel that way about teenagers... Fuck Off..... I have put the effort in with the person i 'like' for almost a year and she shoves the whole thing right back in my face! Why? i dont know. I've done nothing yet she seems to be blocking me out!
anyway.... i really hope your in a better mood than me atm... Later

First Band Practise!

Hey Guys, hows things been? good because i couldnt care less..... JOKES! god I love you all really... Anyway this weekend was my first band practise and it couldnt have gone better, my band Decapitated Oath has finished our first song for the Vocals/Guitar/Bass and it was a mess load of fun! We had to sleep in a tent which was fine until i was woke up at 4:30 in the morning by the Bassist complaining he was cold -.- Nevermind, we watched a Cradle of Filth DVD to pass the time ^^

And now hopefully we are going to write our second song tonight if all goes well...which it better do! My vocals are surprisingly not too bad, they aint great but considering im 14 and your vocal chords dont fully develop until your 17 i aint too bad a job i think... we sounded great during our practise so all is good! Overall it was great fun! i still havent seen anyone like our bands page! come on guys! its worth it, we dont actually sound bad if your into that sorta stuff :P it would be a huge boost to our confidence!

Hope your all well, later...

Friday 29 April 2011

Decapitated Oath

Hey Guys, im just gunna give a 'brief' rundown on my Band Decapitated Oath. We are a post-deathcore band all from bristol, we are going to have our first band practise tomorrow where we will TOTALLY RULE! we are going to work on our first song 'Unholy Trinity' which is totally anti-religious and most of you poofy retards who dont understand music will hate it :P sorry guys just kidding you will all love it!

The current line up is:
Me: Lead Vocalist
Joe Cullin: Lead Guitar
Jack Adams: Rhythm Guitar
Halil Beydilli: Bass Guitar
Matthias Spicer: Drums

Seriously guys, give us a look on facebook, it would really boost our morale and i would seriously appreciate it and give each person A Free Hug! I hope you guys are having a Funtastic day :P Later

My First Post!

Well Hello there my fellow bloggers, welcome to my fearful sessions, called fearful because my stage name is Fear! im currently a vocalist (singer implies actual notes coming from my mouth) in a Deathcore Band called Decapitated Oath, if you wanna check us out look at our facebook page, it would be much appreciated by all of us.

I'm currently in Year 9... fun for some... not for me -.- but it's not totally horrible, we dont have proper exams til next year so we have one year left to screw around in lessons and not try and do anything! and then when G.C.S.E's arrive, we all panic and begin to cry.... not as if one of those people would be me...

Anyway ill be posting more oftenly soon so keep checking out for more Fearful Sessions... Later